Dicin square brown sunglasses. Using exquisite craftsmanship to cut the edges and corners, the frame looks more unique. The Oversize front frame decorates the face shape, with slender metal decorative nails embedded on both sides of the mirror, and unique logo details engraved on both sides of the mirror legs, showcasing the brand style. Brown lenses provide effective UV protection.棕色方形墨镜。采用精湛的工艺切割棱角,使镜框看起来更加独特。Oversize前框装饰脸型,镜面两侧嵌有细长的金属装饰钉,镜腿两侧镌刻独特的logo细节,彰显品牌风格。棕色镜片提供有效的紫外线防护。